Being a Real Influencer means being comfortable saying NO when someone under 21 asks for you to buy or give them tobacco and vapor products.
Sign up for email updates and tips about how you can help be a REAL INFLUENCE in your community.
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Being a Real Influencer means being comfortable saying NO when someone under 21 asks for you to buy or give them tobacco and vapor products.
Sign up for email updates and tips about how you can help be a REAL INFLUENCE in your community.
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Adults have real influence, so be comfortable saying NO when someone under 21 asks you to buy or give them tobacco or vaping products.
what you can do
Be comfortable saying NO to underage requests for you to buy or give them tobacco or vapor products. Check out these tips and learn what you can say.
we are
Raising awareness of the social sourcing problem highlighting federal government research and data.
we can
Inform adults about the problem of social sourcing — be comfortable saying NO when someone under 21 asks you to buy or give them tobacco or vaping products.
educating retailers
On the social sourcing problem and how they can play an important role in preventing social source access.
Learn how you can become a Real Influencer in your community.
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more we card actions
Coming soon is a free online training module for the nation’s retailers focused on social sourcing – raising awareness of this major problem and how they can identify and deny adult-for-underage age-restricted product purchase attempts.